Sunday 31 March 2013

Ndiphila iphupha

Ndihamba kwimi cangcatho yenyawo zakho

Ndibhula umbethe othe walala mhla ubusuku beza nentseni phezu kwama phupha akho

Ndikhupho dyakalashe, igusha ezithe zoyama ngamadomga ezisekelo othe wena wazibeka mhla wawusekho

Ndihlwayela imbewu  kwimiqolo owaye wayivula  iyivulela ikusasa lakho

Ndinyathela ngononophelo kulomhlaba ubuthathaka  othe wena wakhetha ukumilisela kuwo ingcambu zobuwena

Walakha kwedini madoks ikhaya lakho

Wathi wakugqiba wawuqamangela umlomo wakho ngezitsixo zovuyo

Wasingisa apho liphuma khona ukhozi njenge langa liyosithela ezintabeni

Wayifihla intlungu obukuyo

Wanditshikilela ngomphambili wakho  kuba ungafuni ndifumane amashwa aza nomva wakho

Wayibhala incwadini nto kasukani ndingakhange ndilubone  siba kwesakho isandla

Wamshiya umzila njengendoda elikronti kwelakwa xhosa usiko

Batsho bayiyizela abafazana

Oomakhulu bazijula ityali

 Amadoda avakala egqukrulekile ukuthi olunje ngawe baylifuna usana

Nditsho kwathatha esixekwekweni wanyikima mhla weva ukuba inqwelo yokufa izile uzokuthatha

Nto leyo yandishiya nebuza ityobeka ukuzondibuza kuba ifuna uzuza impendulo

Kwakutheni yamisela wena leqwelo yandishiya mna ndisa mjogise phezulu owam umnwe ukumisa

Ngokuba ngoku ndinyathela lomhlaba wawumele umnyathele

Ndiyafakisa ngabla lwimi lethu esasisandula ukulisebenzisa xa sasibhekisa kwelasemzini ulwimi

Ndiziva ingathi apha andinguye umi

Ngokuba kwakumele ibenguwe olapha  umile

Nditsho ukuba wayibonda le mbiza ungayazi ukuba iyokususwa ndim eziko

Ndijike ndiphake obona bomi wawubulwela ukubufumana

Kodwa nakancinci  ubungcamla

Mna mntu azange aqxhathalaze no xhathalaze buvele baziwela kwesam isandla

Nyani obu bom abunantethelo

Kodwa ndiyakuthembisa
Ndizakuliphila eliphupha lakho ndilijule esifubeni  ndilinike ibelwe eliphumu bisi lothando

Ill love you til death answers back with life

I could see the invisible seems that sewed her eye lashes permanently to her eye lids

With her iris momentarily flashing me to a trance like the camera resembling terms utilised by a psychologist when practicing hypnosis to a patient

The situation that she manacled me in

 Departed me in the question marked borders of wonder

Her humbleness was down to the ground by the way she served me with her affection

I would at times see the envy that the dust particles portrayed towards her

Her steps brought along the beauty that dripped from her chest on her left side where her heart was rooted by her fashioner

She head a facial image that was an exterior display of what existed in her interiors

So with her you wouldn’t say that the outer beauty is deceiving

Her physique was a complement to the artistic abilities of the potter that caused me to fall asleep so he could extract my rib

And implant it to her

The incompleteness of my ribs find their completion when my ways and hers converges

She is a true partner, who laid flatly open her ears to the problems that mutilated me continuously

Her attention mitigated their severity

She is the reason why Ill be ululate eternally at Christ feet

Because she is a confirmation that the Godly given gifts do last

 Death can snatch her away from the palm of my love

Feed her with the pitch-blackness that its heart is founded upon

But my faith and Love will make it regret its decision of taking her away from me

As I would torment it greatly before God with prayers that pull to life the desire of missing her

My better half

Like a founded item being returned to its rightful owner

That is how she shall be brought back to me  


Engulfed in the modern present

Where the primitive ways have substantially been deteriorated

No matter how we maneuver to stitch back this torn threads

Where a needle has journey

It’s amazing how it departs distinct traits

Even your eyeing magnifiers would be of an inappropriate use in this scenario

The pothole shaped seems would be insultingly screaming at your iris’s at a close distance that you would feel your eyeing pastures invaded

Modernism has confined us in this cocoon

Like caterpillars at a transition of being butterfly’s

But what are groomed into being?

Our efforts of remaining harnessed to the antique ways of existing are producing no fruit

It’s like quenching a thirst of a man who’s been in the of wilderness of Kalahari with a spoon filled water drop

Your Samaritan good deeds are an increment to the severity of this pain

Yes you might have your Mona Lisa portrait graphited beautifully on your bedroom walls

Your grand mothers and fathers pictures plucked at the chest of your closet door, greeting you when ever you open it

And your infancy pictures constituting the first page of your memory album where your trusted feet were your knees and hands


Your longing of the past can be satisfied by nothing but the present

Through change only occurs inwardly

The outward appearance is just a barrier that one needs to get past

So to arrive at the fertile land of the heart and start scattering a seed that is certain to offer a harvest

The art of existing is better characterized by eras

And the scribbler of it all has been so adroit fully able that he conceived you in his senses

And blew you with a command to exist

To expand

And fill the whole earth

To complement it all he positioned you in the present